Own my own Soul’s gold????
Owning Your Souls Gold Intensive: Focusing on releasing the mind made masks that hide our liberated souls mastery! (Our Golden Shadow). "I have been to many workshops but never had I thought to own my souls gold, during the seminar I had a huge shift in perspective, I now feel empowered to own my gold, my life has been transformed!"
Powerful and transformational
Healings with Savitur are powerful and transformational. He will tune in to what is holding you back at the deepest core of your Being and work with you to dissolve them, whatever lifetime they were created. Savitur will enable you to fire your spirit and blaze like the sun so you can experience the joy, love and inner peace that is yours to own. I am a native Sharman healer myself and am eternally grateful for Savitur’s unique medicine and spiritual insight that has transformed my world and those I touch. Thank you beloved Master Healer and teacher.
It has been one of the best investments I have made
I am half way through a 10 Healing Session pack with Savitur and it has been one of the best investments I have made for myself and my business. As a mother of a toddler, with a husband working overseas and building my own healing business and modality, things can get pretty hectic from time to time and I have had to deal with some big "stuff" over the last 6 months of life and business. What I enjoy the most about working with Savitur is that he not only gets to what is going on but he makes the sessions fun. He has this unique way of really listening to me and hearing what is happening and gently releasing it. He gets that I need to ground my healing session in the real world and helps me find solutions, not just in my spiritual development but how to bring these solutions and healings in my physical life. I've worked with many healers over the course of the last decade and I can honestly say that his method of delivery is one of a kind. I appreciate his wisdom and continual support as I birth my ancestral work into the world as a new modality. Since beginning my sessions with him, my business has doubled and booked out and I feel calmer and happier as a mother and wife. I am truly honoured that Savitur is my Spiritual Mentor and someone I greatly admire. Working with Savitur will bring changes to your life in a way you have never imagined.
The effect of weekly healings has been amazing.
I've been having healings with Savitur for a number of years and decided a few months ago to book a series of online healings with him closer together. The effect of having weekly healings has been amazing. Having healings so close together has created an environment in which I have been able to work through issues that have been lying hidden since childhood and have experienced deep changes in my life. Savitur is able to create a completely safe environment online and his presence, counselling and healing skills are simply amazing. I had one healing that brought up something intensely painful and Savitur was able to hold the space through Skype so masterfully that I felt like we were actually sitting in the same room. I am deeply grateful for being in such good hands as I go through the process of healing and reclaiming more of my authentic, shining self.
Savitur, the soul whisper
The therapy is called Ignite Your Spirit but Savitur ignites everything – my mind, body, emotions, energy, understanding, ideas, enthusiasm, motivation, and will. And yes, of course, spirit too – ignited by Savitur the soul-whisperer. He’s a powerhouse of love, compassion and wisdom and brings forth a potent healing energy that touches every part of me. Sometimes it just bathes and soothes me; at others it encourages me to turn over rocks, which I’ve been determinedly keeping in place and the stubbornness, dissolves so that I can see what I’ve been hiding from and bring it to the light for healing. A healing with Savitur manages to combine two things, which might seem at odds with each other, but in Savitur’s masterful hands, are not – sacredness and fun. I can bring any issue, problem, dilemma to Savitur and we’ll have fun looking at it from different angles but always with respect and leaving me seeing things from a higher perspective. Savitur has been my healer for several years now and I wouldn’t want to be on a spiritual journey without him.
I could never have anticipated that this journey could be so much fun!
As a healer and mentor I find Savitur to be the embodiment of wisdom, skill and understanding. He accepts everything I bring to a session with joy and excitement at the opportunity to lift and shift my consciousness and beliefs about myself. Over the time he has worked with me, I have experienced a transformation in my life where my default setting is now joy and self-worth. I could never have anticipated that this journey could be so much fun! I am deeply, deeply grateful.
Savitur has been invaluable for my spiritual growth
I have had the blessing to be a student of Savitur for the past five years. During this time healings with Savitur have been invaluable for my spiritual growth and general well being. His spiritual support has assisted me through some extremely challenging periods. In a healing session with Savitur you will find yourself in the hands of a Master, a highly skilled energetic intuitive, kind, gentle, compassionate. Savitur will facilitate your elevation to higher states of consciousness giving you new perspectives, learnings and understandings that move you into more peace, love and harmony in any area of your life. I highly recommend a session with this Master.”
What about Me? My inner child’s plea for acknowledgement
As a daughter. wife. sister, mother, grandmother & greatgrandmother I thought my role in life was clear & comfortable - to care for my family. Something was missing & I couldn't put my finger on it until I did Savi tu r's Forgiveness & the Inner Chi Id seminar. "What about me??" screamed out & as I explored this, I realised that since aged 3, I had 'stuffed' down any notion of caring for myself. Savitur had created a safe space for this to surface and he masterfully guided me through a forgiveness process, healing this deeply wounded child. It has changed my life. I can now see my own worthy & special self. who is now safely in the centre of my care.
A magical journey that heals
"Savitur guides you along on a magical journey that heals you all the way down to your DNA and RNA. It’s a deeply profound healing journey that I felt very lucky to experience. The journey was a very special moment in time and truly a gift to myself. I felt wonderfully alive and my inner child was one happy camper and is looking forward to skipping into the next healing circle."
WOW, Life Changing
There is something about the intensity of having the ten healings with Savitur that creates an energy that is simply not available when you have sporadic "as you need them" healings. Wow, life changing!!!
I feel safe to explore the depths!
With Savitur I have felt safe enough to explore the depths! I know that he is able to 'hold space' in any situation and this has allowed me to drop down into my core in our healing sessions. I value his compassion, his empathy, his knowledge and his care. Apart from his spiritual potency, he has an embodied 'lived' understanding of the inner child dynamics, sexuality and relational issues. I truly consider him a Master Healer and would recommend him to anyone wanting to undertake life-changing personal work.
The Missing Link
I found this course to be the missing link to a deep realization of the inner child work. Savitur presents key examples from his own life to bring the teachings to life in very accessible and grounded way. He identifies the essence of the inner child dynamic and provides a very simple yet powerful model for providing parenting in emotionally charged everyday-life situations. This course is a masterpiece!